Musical virtuosity on show

The Jade String Quartet will present some of New Zealand’s latest musical compositions.

Music lovers will hear chamber music masterpieces alongside the best of New Zealand composers when the Jade String Quartet performs at the Warkworth Town Hall this weekend.

Since forming in 2003, Jade has recorded three albums of New Zealand music and performed nationally.

The group is recognised as one of New Zealand’s most established ensembles delivering exhilarating performances with musical artistry. All four members are highly accomplished players in Auckland’s Philharmonia Orchestra, and make an ideal chamber music combination. They play the best and latest of New Zealand’s compositions, as well as a selection of music from the world’s master composers.

The Warkworth Music performance will open with Mozart’s String Quartet in B flat major, K.589, one of the Prussian Quartets, which reveals the depth and complexity of Mozart’s musical imagination.

This will be followed by Robert Schumann’s vibrant and engaging String Quartet in A minor, opus 41 no.1.

The concert will also include the world premiere of NZ composer Janet Jennings’ The Lost Birds of Aotearoa, a lament for New Zealand’s extinct birds and a wake-up call to protect more than 70 other species that are currently threatened or endangered.

Members of the Auckland-based quartet are Miranda Adams (violin), who has played with the NZ Symphony Orchestra and is currently assistant concertmaster with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra; Robert Ashworth (viola), who has played with orchestras in NZ, Australia and Canada; Charmian Keay (violin), who is currently leader of the Auckland String Group; and James Yoo (cello), who teaches cello and chamber music at the University of Auckland.

The concert will be held in the Warkworth Town Hall on Saturday May 18, starting at 4pm. Tickets $40 (non-members), $30 (members), $10 tertiary students and school students free.